MES Courses
MES Courses
- 전공코어 (Core Subjects)
- 에너지과학입문 / Introduction to Energy Science (MES2001)
- 에너지소재 / Fundamentals of Materials for Energy (MES2002)
- 나노분석과학 / Introduction to Nanostructure Analysis (MES2003)
- 나노과학기술 / Nanoscience and Technology (MES2004)
- 나노기초실험 / Experimental Technique in Nanoscience (MES2005)
- 에너지기초실험 / Basic Experimental Technique for Energy Science (MES2006)
- 에너지의화학 / Chemistry of Energy (MES2007)
- 반도체에너지변환 / Energy Conversion in Semiconductor (MES2010)
- 디스플레이와에너지과학 / Energy Science in Display (MES2011)
- 대체에너지생산 / Alternative Energy (MES3002)
- 전자현미경실습과기초 / Practical Electron Microscopy and the Basics (MES3014)
- 전공심화 (Advanced Subjects)
- 에너지기본물리 / Fundamental Physics for Energy (ESC4001)
- 전광에너지변환시스템개론 / Introduction to Electron-photon Energy Conversion System (ESC4002)
- 양자전자소자 / Quantum Electronic Device (ESC4003)
- 저차원물질의열특성및응용 / Heat Transfer in Low Dimensional Materials and their Applications (ESC4004)
- 고급양자점소재와소자 / Advanced Course for Quantum Dot Materials and Devices (ESC4005)
- 고급촉매기술 / Advanced Catalyst Technology (ESC4006)
- 태양전지기초및응용 / Fundamentals and Applications of Solar Cells (ESC4007)
- 이차전지기초및응용 / Fundamentals and Applications of Batteries (ESC4008)
- 나노와광학 / Nano and Optics (ESC4009)
- 에너지소재분석원리 / Principle of Energy Materials Characterization (ESC4010)
- 에너지광과학개론 / Introduction to Energy Photon-physics (ESC4011)
- 에너지저장및변환신소재 / Energy Storage and Conversion Material (ESC4012)
- 인공지능기반구조분석 / Artificial Intelligence-based Structure Analysis (ESC4013)
- 전자재료및소자개론 / Introduction to Electronic Materials and Devices (ESC4014)
- 정보디스플레이기초및응용 / Fundamentals and Applications of Information Display (ESC4015)
- 에너지와엔트로피시스템 / Energy and Entropy System (ESC4016)
- 저전력컴퓨터시스템기초 / Introduction to Low Power Computing (ESC4017)
- 에너지소재기초및응용 / Fundamentals and Applications of Energy Materials (ESC4018)
- 페로브스카이트소재와광전자소자 / Perovskite based Optoelectronics (ESC4019)
* 에너지과학연계전공 신청방법(How to apply):
GLS ▶ 신청/자격관리 ▶ 전공신청 ▶ 복수전공신청 (복수전공 신청기간과 동일)
* 에너지과학연계전공 수강신청(Course Registration): ▶ 전체전공조회 ▶ 학과전공 ▶ 성균융합원-에너지과학연계전공