

[졸업] 2025학년도 2월 졸업예정자 학위논문 인쇄본 관련 안내 [Thesis/Dissertation binding and Submission]
Date 24-11-14 11:01
Views 438

Students who are eligible to be conferred a graduate degree in February 2025 should submit your thesis/dissertation to the University as follows:

1. Please Write in accordance with the attachment.

* Note

① Please enter the submission sheet date for thesis as "October 2024" and

the approval sheet date of thesis as "December 2024".

* Do not change the date.

② Please enter the year on the side of the cover as “2025

③ Please use 신명조휴먼명조 fonts.

If you use “Times New Roman” fonts, please increase the font size by 2P.

④ Please observe the fonts size, page layout.

⑤ Do not include acknowledgment.

⑥ If you do not submit your Thesis/Dissertation by online/offline within the designated period, the graduation will be postponed to the next semester. Additionally, if you cannot submit your Thesis/Dissertation in the next semester, the result of your final defense is cancelled and you should apply the final defense again.

2. Check the attached ‘Checklist of Items to Check Before Submission of Thesis’

① The Library will only check the submission status and approval.

② Please Check the attached ‘Checklist of Items to Check Before Submission of Thesis’ before submission.

③ Refer to the thesis form and examples before printing, and make sure that errors such as "degree course, name of advisor, department name, year/month notation on the submission form and approval form, composition of the thesis (Korean/English abstract), font, font size", etc.

 If there are any errors in important matters such as the thesis format during the offline submission, you may be requested to reprint the thesis.

Please check again before binding the printed copy.


A. Period: ~ January. 9, 2025, 17:00PM

- Submission is possible 24 hours within the period, but only until 17:00 on the last day.

B. How to submit (Refer to the Attachment)

1) Please go to the relevant website of

2) Click the Submission of materials button on the blue box.

3) Login the site with ID and Password (the same as Kingo Portal ID and Password)

4) Upload your PDF formatted thesis/dissertation.(It can only be uploaded in PDF format.)

※ Please include the Thesis/Dissertation Approval sheet without any names and signatures.

5) Be sure that submission status is ‘Submit completed (처리완료)’ on dCollection site

① Accept completed (접수완료): The thesis has been uploaded.

② Submit completed (처리완료): The thesis online submission approval has been completed.

6) Please finish up this online submission a day before the offline-submission due to the longer

load-time for approval.(need 1 to 2 days to complete)


A. Period: After approval of online submission ~ January 17, 2025, 17:00PM

B. To where: DOES Office (N Center 4F #86420) 

C. How to submit

1) Prepare 3 copies of Soft/Hard Cover thesis/dissertation for the offline submission.

1 copy: with the original Thesis/Dissertation Approval sheet signed by all members of the Advisory Committee(contain signature).

2 copies: with the blanked Thesis/Dissertation Approval sheet without name/signatures.

※ Hardcover is available only with Navy (짙은 네이비 포크로스) cover and letters in gold.(금박)

※ Softcover is available only with White(백색 모조지) cover and letters in black.

2) Please submit the thesis/dissertation with the following documents

① (Required) Approval of Thesis/Dissertation Contents Consistency(학위논문 내용 일치 확인서)

② (Required) Online submission certificate(학위논문 전자파일 제출 확인서)

※ It is possible to print out after approval from online submission site. (dcollection)

③ (If you need) Application form of postponement of thesis/dissertation release(학위논문 공개 유예 신청서)

※ If you need postponement of thesis/dissertation release, please apply as follows:

Fill the form and obtain the signature of advisor

▶ Apply through GLS System and upload the form and evidence

▶ Submit the original document with your thesis/dissertation to the DOES Office

※ Menu: GLS- 신청/자격관리>학위논문공개유예신청>학위논문비공개(공개유예)신청

※ Reasons for application: protection of Intellectual Property Right, publication in journals, agreements with research fund support organizations, etc.

※ Period: 3 months or 6 months (can be extended up to 2 years)

- Please write the start date of postponement as the date of the degree award.

④ (Only Ph.D) Completed the Questionnaire file(attached 7) or

The response in the following website ( and Submit the “Questionnaire Completion form”

  ◆ 심사청구서(Submission Form) October 2024 OR Oct 2024


  ◆ 인정서 (Approval Form) December 2024 OR Dec 2024

   OFFLINE 1 copy WITH NAME/SIGNATURES                                                                                               OFFLNE 2 copies WITHOUT NAME/SIGNATURES

   1부 : 성함 및 서명 포함                                                                                                                                  2부 : 성함 및 서명 미포함

5. Questionnaire for 2025 Ph.D. Graduates (Ph.D. Only) 

Students who are eligible to be conferred a graduate degree in February 2025 should submit questionnaire as follows.

(The questionnaire is organized by the Ministry of Education.)

1. To whom: Ph.D. Graduates (Including Combined) on February of 2025

2. Period: ~ January 17, 2025, 17:00PM

3. How to Submission: Choose one of the following and submit with your Thesis Hard copies

1) Response the survey of the following website ( and Submit the “Questionnaire Completion form” (with Thesis/Dissertation)

2) Submit a completed the Questionnaire file.(with Thesis/Dissertation)