Features of DOES courses
- 에너지과학과 교과목 특징
- 모든 수업과 세미나 100% 영어로 진행
- i-Campus 업로드
- 해외석학 집중특강
- 복수전공 프로그램
- 산학협동 교육 프로그램
- 팀티칭 수업
- Features of DOES courses
- 100% English classes for all DoES courses
- i-Campus : Video recording & Internet-upload
- Special courses by international scholars
- Dual degree program
- University-industry collaborative education program
- Team-teaching courses
에너지고체물리이해, 에너지를위한유무기화학, 응용에너지전기화학, 에너지열역학, 에너지소재과학, 에너지소자, 에너지와양자역학, 에너지전자기학, 에너지결정학, 에너지기기분석, 에너지물리화학
- 에너지과학/
기술기반 -
[기초] 에너지기본물리, 양자전자소자, 인공지능기반구조분석, 전자재료및소자개론, 정보디스플레이기초및응용, 에너지와화학, 에너지과학세미나, 해외석학강좌1, 에너지과학1, 에너지공학1, 에너지나노분광학, 에너지소자분석론, 에너지소재이론, 에너지광학, 에너지전달, 에너지소재기초및응용, 에너지석학강좌1, 재료과학과공학개론
[심화] 해외석학강좌2, 에너지과학2, 고급실험기술, 에너지과학3, 다차원광분석기술, 에너지공학2, 에너지공학3, 에너지특허작성실습, 에너지석학강좌2, 에너지와빅데이터처리
- 나노소재/
소자기반 -
[기초] 저차원물질의열특성및응용, 고급양자점소재와소자, 에너지소재분석원리, 페로브스카이트소재와광전자소자, 에너지나노소재1, 나노소재분석, 에너지소재분석, 나노소재의열특성, 에너지소재의전자회절, 에너지소재증착개론
[심화] 에너지나노소재2, 나노구조물성장, 에너지소재기초전자현미경, 에너지소재의수차보정분석전자현미경, 에너지소재의구조-성분분석, 자성및스핀소자, 저전력컴퓨터시스템, 전광변환소자공학, 양자컴퓨팅소자및뉴로모픽소자
- 저장에너지
[기초] 이차전지기초및응용, 에너지저장및변환신소재, 연료전지,배터리,슈퍼커패시터1, 에너지저장1, 나노양자소재기술동향, 에너지저장개론
[심화] 연료전지,배터리,슈퍼커패시터2, 에너지저장2, 에너지물질전산모사, 에너지저장시스템
- 변환에너지
[기초] 에너지광과학개론, 대면적전자공학
[심화] 에너지변환시스템
- 신재생에너지
[기초] 전광에너지변환시스템개론, 태양전지기초및응용, 열전소재및소자입문, 에너지융합연구1~4, 태양에너지, 최첨단에너지소재, 나노전자분광및재료물성, 광과학과에너지개론, 양자광기술과신재생에너지개론, 에너지산업문제해결1, 신재생에너지소재개론, 신재생에너지프로젝트1, 에너지환경사회프로젝트1, 에너지와엔트로피시스템, 저전력컴퓨터시스템기초
[심화] 에너지물리생물과학, 미래기술의연구,개발,기회, 에너지산업문제해결2, 신재생에너지와광전산업, 신재생에너지융복합시스템1~4, 에너지사회문제해결, 에너지산업문제해결, 신재생에너지프로젝트2, 에너지환경사회프로젝트2, 신재생에너지와소재산업, 신재생에너지와시스템산업, 에너지모빌리티산업, 열역학과전기화학
- 촉매에너지
[기초] 고급촉매기술, 에너지생산의화학
[심화] 초고속분광학과에너지, 에너지촉매시스템, 수소기반에너지, 수소생산및활용산업
- 나노에너지
[기초] 나노와광학, 지속가능에너지양자물질1
[심화] 지속가능에너지양자물질2, 고급에너지소재증착, 에너지장치및분배시스템
Solid State Principles for Energy, Organic/Inorganic Chemistry for Energy, Applied Energy Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics of Energy System, Principles of Energy Materials, Fundamentals of Energy Devices, Quantum Concepts for Energy, Electromagnetism for Energy, Crystal Structures of Energy Materials, Instrumental Analysis for Energy, Physical Chemistry for Energy
Basic Science
- Basic Energy Science & Technology
[Basic] Fundamental Physics for Energy, Quantum Electronic Device, Artificial Intelligence-based Structure Analysis, Introduction to Electronic Materials and Devices, Fundamentals and Applications of Information Display, Fundamentals and Applications of Energy Materials, Energy and Chemistry, Energy Science Seminar, Distinguished Lecture Series Ⅰ, Energy Science Ⅰ, Energy Engineering Ⅰ, Spectroscopy for Energy Nanomaterials, Energy Device Characterization, Theory of Energy Materials, Energy Optics, Energy Transport, Energy Distinguished Lecture Series Ⅰ,Introduction of Materials and Science for Engineering
[Advanced] Distinguished Lecture Series Ⅱ, Energy Science Ⅱ, Advanced Experimental Techniques, Energy Science Ⅲ, Multidimensional Optical Spectroscopy, Energy Engineering Ⅱ, Energy Engineering Ⅲ, Patent Writing Practice, Energy Distinguished Lecture Series Ⅱ, Big Data for Energy Science
- Nano Materials/ Devices
[Basic] Heat Transfer in Low Dimensional Materials and their Applications, Advanced Course for Quantum Dot Materials and Devices, Principle of Energy Materials Characterization, Perovskite based Optoelectronics, Nanomaterials for Energy Ⅰ, Nanomaterial Analysis, Instrumental Analysis for Energy Materials, Thermal Properties of Nanomaterials, Electron Diffraction of Energy Materials, Introduction to the Deposition of Energy Materials
[Advanced] Nanomaterials for Energy Ⅱ, Nanostructure Growth and Synthesis, Transmission Electron Microscopy for Energy Materials, Aberration-corrected Analytical Electron Microscopy for Energy Materials, Characterization of Structure and Composition of Energy Materials, Magnetic and Spin Devices, Low Power Computing System, Electron-photon Conversion Devices, Quantum Computing and Neuromorphic Devices
Core Application
- Energy Storage
[Basic] Fundamentals and Applications of Batteries, Energy Storage and Conversion Material, Fuel Cells, Batteries and Supercapacitors Ⅰ, Energy Storage Ⅰ, Current Topics on Colloidal Nanocrystals Research, Introduction to Energy Storage
[Advanced] Fuel Cells, Batteries and Supercapacitors Ⅱ, Energy Storage Ⅱ, Computational Approach for Energy Materials, Energy Storage Systems
- Energy Conversion
[Basic] Introduction to Energy Photon-physics, Large Area Electronics
[Advanced] Energy Conversion System
- Renewal Energy
[Basic] Introduction to Electron-photon Energy Conversion System, Fundamentals and Applications of Solar Cells, Energy and Entropy System, Introduction to Low Power Computing, Introduction to Thermoelectric Materials Devices, Energy Convergence Research Ⅰ, Energy Convergence Research Ⅱ, Energy Convergence Research Ⅲ, Energy Convergence Research Ⅳ, Solar Energy, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano-scale Electron Spectroscopy and Materials Properties, Introduction to Photon Physics for Energy Science, Introduction to Photonics for Renewable Energy, Problem Solving for Energy Industries Ⅰ, Introduction to Photovoltaic Materials, Renewable Energy Project Ⅰ, Energy Environment Society Project Ⅰ
[Advanced] Physical Bioscience for Energy, Research, Development, and Opportunities in Future Technology, Problem Solving for Energy Industries Ⅱ, Renewable Energy and Optoelectronic Industry, Integrated Renewable Energy System Ⅰ, Integrated Renewable Energy System Ⅱ, Integrated Renewable Energy System Ⅲ, Integrated Renewable Energy System Ⅳ, Problem Solving of Sustainable Energy Society, Problem Solving of Sustainable Energy Industry, Renewable Energy Project Ⅱ, Energy Environment Society Project Ⅱ, Renewable Energy and Materials Industry, Renewable Energy and System Industry, Energy Mobility Industry, Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry
- Catalysis for Energy
[Basic] Advanced Catalyst Technology, Chemistry of Energy Production
[Advanced] Introduction to Ultrafast Science and Spectroscopy, Energy Catalyst Systems, Hydrogen-based Energy, Industries for Hydrogen Production and Utilization
- Nano Energy
[Basic] Nano and Optics, Quantum Materials for Sustainable Energy Ⅰ
[Advanced] Quantum Materials for Sustainable Energy Ⅱ, Advanced Energy Material Deposition, Energy Device and Distributed System