History of DOES
2008년 교육과학기술부의 세계 수준의 연구중심대학(WCU) 육성 사업(사업단장: 이영희 교수) 선정. 신개념융복합에너지과학연구소(연구소장: 이영희 교수) 설립.
2009년 성균관대학교 에너지과학과 설립. 에너지과학과 학과장 이영희 교수 임명. 양정운 교수, 안태규 교수 신규 임용.
2011년 윤원섭 교수 신규 임용.
2012년 기초과학연구원(IBS)의 나노구조물리연구단(CINAP, 단장: 이영희 교수) 설립. 김성웅 교수, 신현정 교수 신규 임용.
2013년 김정용 교수, 임성주 교수, 정문석 교수, 서동석 교수 신규 임용. 에너지과학과 학과장 신현정 교수 임명.
2013년 한국연구재단의 BK21PLUS 사업(단장: 디디에르 프리밧) 선정.
2015년 에너지과학과 학과장 김성웅 교수 임명.
2016년 오상호 교수, 김영민 교수 신규 임용.
2017년 BK21PLUS 사업단장 정문석 교수 임명. 에너지과학과 학과장 정문석 교수 임명. 최경민 교수 신규 임용.
2019년 정소희 교수, 김기강 교수, 김지희 교수, 두옹딘록 교수 신규 임용.
2020년 임재훈 교수 신규 임용.
2020년 한국연구재단의 BK21FOUR 사업(단장: 윤원섭 교수) 선정. 에너지과학과 학과장 윤원섭 교수 임명.
2021년 김종순 교수 신규 임용.
2022년 에너지과학과 학과장 김정용 교수 임명.
2023년 김기재 교수, 명창우 교수, 정재기 교수, 한혁수 교수 신규 임용.
2023년 에너지과학과 학과장 임성주 교수 임명.
2024년 신현석 교수 신규 임용.
2024년 기초과학연구원(IBS)의 이차원양자헤테로구조체연구단(2DQH , 단장 : 신현석 교수) 설립.
2008 Prof. Young Hee Lee wins World Class University(WCU) project funded by Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The Institute of New Paradigm of Energy Science Convergence (Director: Prof. Young Hee Lee) was established.
2009 Department of Energy Science (hereinafter DOES) was established. Prof. Young Hee Lee was appointed as the head of DOES. Prof. Jung Woon Yang and Prof. Tae Kyu Ahn were newly appointed.
2011 Prof. Won-Sub Yoon was newly appointed.
2009. Sept. Prof. Tae Kyu Ahn was newly appointed.
2011. Sept. Prof. Won-Sub Yoon was newly appointed.
2012 Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP, Director: Prof. Young Hee Lee) of Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was established. Prof. SungWng Kim and Prof. Hyunjung Shin were newly appointed.
2013 Prof. Jeongyong Kim, Prof. Seong Chu Lim, Prof. Mun Seok Jeong and Prof. Dongseok Suh were newly appointed. Prof. Hyunjung Shin was appointed as the head of DOES.
2013 DOES was selected by National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) for BK21PLUS project (Director: Didier Pribat).
2015 Prof. SungWng Kim was appointed as the head of DOES
2016 Prof. Sang Ho Oh and Prof. Young-Min Kim were newly appointed.
2017 Prof. Mun Seok Jeong was appointed as the director of BK21PLUS project and head of DOES. Prof. Gyung-Min Choi was newly appointed.
2019 Prof. Sohee Jeong, Prof. Ki Kang Kim, Prof. Jihee Kim and Prof. Duong Dinh Loc were newly appointed.
2020 Prof. Jaehoon Lim was newly appointed.
2020 DOES was selected by National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) for BK21FOUR project (Director: Won-Sub Yoon) and Prof. Won-Sub Yoon was appointed as the head of DOES.
2021 Prof. Jongsoon Kim was newly appointed.
2022 Prof. Jeongyong Kim was appointed as the head of DOES
2023 Prof. Ki Jae Kim, Prof. Chang Woo Myung, Prof. Jaeki Jeong, and Prof. HyukSu Han was newly appointed.
2023 Prof. Seong Chu Lim is appointed as the head of DOES.
2024 Prof. Hyeon Suk Shin was newly appointed.
2024 Center for 2D Quantum Heterostructures (2DQH , Director : Prof. Hyeon Suk Shin) of Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was established.